Empathy The myth of us lacking empathy is totally unfounded. In fact, we feel too much empathy, 'double empathy'. Particularly, if someone is sad, we absorb their emotion. Of course, we don't know what to do with it.
Loyalty We are incredibly loyal, often to our own detriment.
Attention to Detail Small details matter. We regularly recognise things that others miss.
Adaptability We have to. Thinking 'outside the box', comes naturally because we have to fit into a neuro-typical world.
Persistent We don't give up easily, particularly where we believe in something. Passion is something that drives me.
Creativity I know this well, it is the reason why I love writing.
Honesty Lies are just too difficult. There's already too much going on in our heads. I can't read between the lines and I don't understand why people want to play mind games.
Non-judgemental Because people are hard for me to interpret, I'm unable to make instant judgements. I'm interested in the person.
Sense of Justice Injustice really annoys me. It is why the world annoys me. I want to change the world.
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